Opportunity Conversion Analysis
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Note: Please select AFOL in the opportunity source filter in order to isolate them
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View As:
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\r\n How are my opportunities progressing?\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n Conversion Rate CY (Won/All) - Number of Closed Won/Total Opportunities, for the CY, in percentage\r\n
Conversion Rate PY (Won/All) - Number of Closed Won/Total Opportunities, for the PY, in percentage\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n Won / Lost Ratio CY - Number of Closed Won/Closed Lost Opportunities, for the CY, in percentage\r\n
Won / Lost Ratio PY - Number of Closed Won/Closed Lost Opportunities, for the PY, in percentage\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n Avg. Opp. Value of Active Go Live date in CY - Total Opportunity Value / Total Number of Opportunities expected to go live in the CY, except Closed ones\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n Opp Pipeline (number and Value) - Number and Total Opportunity Value for all opportunities except Closed Lost\r\n \r\n
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\r\n \r\n For Growth Opportunities: Sum of the Sales PYTD with the Expected Sales CY for Closed Won Opportunities, adjusted to the working days.\r\n For Defend Opportunities: Difference of the Sales PYTD with the Expected Sales CY for opportunities ('Closed Lost', 'Approach', 'Demonstrate', 'Validate', 'Negotiate', 'Interview'), \r\n adjusted to the working days and opportunity probability\r\n \r\n
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